Monday, 4 July 2016

AS to A2 Evaluating Websites

Instructions for Exercises Below

As you compare the pairs of sites below, consider these questions:
  • What kind of site are you looking at?  Informational? Sales? Personal? Advocating for a cause?
  • Who is responsible for the information?  Look for an ABOUT page.
  • Which one is more appropriate for college assignments?
  • Which is more credible?
  • What factors helped you decide?

Exercise 1

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 2

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 3

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 5

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 6

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 7

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis.

Exercise 8

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis

Exercise 9

Compare the following sites.  Use the questions in the Instructions box above to guide your analysis