Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Audience and computer games

Audience Computer Games

regulations and ratings

Tomb Raider 2013

Parents need to know that the Mature-rated Tomb Raider -- a reboot of the iconic action/adventure series -- is much more graphic and violent than its predecessors, all of which were rated Teen by the ESRB. Lara Croft engages in the brutal killing of terrifyingly aggressive cultist men using a variety of melee and ranged weapons. She also executes some extremely bloody and visceral finishing moves that see the camera swing around to frame the action for maximum effect. She is at one point literally covered from toe to crown in dark red blood. The mood is all the more chilling because Lara herself is not immune to injury. She screams out in pain, has to talk herself into performing courageous acts, and must frequently bandage herself up. It may feature the youngest, most believably emotional and human Lara Croft we've ever seen, but it's certainly not for kids.


Players are able to kill their enemies in a variety of ways such as shooting, stabbing or strangling.

Some blood is shows when enemies are shot.

Red barrels can be blown up near enemies with bloody results.

Mild swear words such as "damn" and "hell".


There are some intense action sequences.